Aedile Report


Aedile Report

[The Sword's Sheath, 1130 hours, Conference Room 12]

An older gentleman in gray robes with red trim stood at the head of a conference room table. His eyes scanned across the many empty seats. He gestured slightly at a nervous young Novice who had come in to the room but still stood awkwardly near the door. She heeded his gesture and took a seat near the back.

"Friends, please welcome Novice Shardara to our midst. In a very short time she has arrived here from the Shadow Academy and already attained the rank of Novice. Please make her welcome here in her new home."

Scion took a sip from his flask before continuing the meeting.

[Roster Changes]

The roster changes I mentioned last week have almost been fully implemented. I apparently don't have the roster mojo to promote Donos to Rollmaster, but he has begun to take on the job even without the title until we can get that remedied.

As I mentioned last week, if you were removed from the roster (and therefore are not receiving this report) and would like to come back, Gladius will always welcome you back. We only ask that you respond to emails from time to time.

[General Notes]

I am looking for fights in the ACC. Challenge me! If you need help qualifying, I'm happy to proofread your writing and help get you ready for it. Please also keep in mind that the ACC is still using the OLD character sheets. Hopefully they'll revise that policy soon!

If any Journeymen are interested in finding a Master to help guide you, please contact me by replying to this report and I will help you find somebody. The Master/Student Program (MSP) is by far the best way to become successful in the Dark Brotherhood. There is no substitute for having an experienced person dedicating their time specifically to help you be successful.

It works the other way around, too. If you are eligible to be a Master and you're looking for a student, please let me know and I'll see if I can find you one.


Please remember to let me know of anything you do that might count as activity. Don't worry about bothering me too much; it's my job to keep track of this stuff. Keep in mind that if you do something but you don't win any medals for it, I won't know about it unless you tell me. That includes ACC, wiki stuff, as well as submitting to competitions. Awards are tied to participation and it all still counts even if you don't win.

Activity in House Gladius for the past week has been as follows.


KAP Apollo:

Various QUA duties

12/29/2008 - Quaestor Report

KAP Windos Helkin Tarentae:

Various BTL duties

12/20/2008 - Participated in My Gift to the Clan competition

12/20/2008 - Participated in Awesome Stick Figures competition

12/20/2008 - Signed up for Oberst's Wargame

12/22/2008 - Won ACC battle against JH Koryn Thraagus

OP Dox Romanae:

12/22/2008 - Won 27 CoFs for participating in ICTE on 12/20

12/22/2008 - Won 37 CoFs for participating in gaming nights between 12/14 and 12/19

12/22/2008 - Won Cr-R for All-Star and 1st place in ICTR on 12/20

12/22/2008 - Won PoB for best win/loss record in gaming nights between 12/14 and 12/19

JH Scion Altera:

Various AED duties

12/22/2008 - Aedile Report

12/23/2008 - Participated in Awesome Stick Figures competition

JH Balia Donos:

Various RM duties

12/22/2008 - Promoted to Rollmaster

NOV Shardara:

12/28/2008 - Completed Test of Lore

12/28/2008 - Completed character history

12/29/2008 - Promoted to Novice


In Darkness,

Scion Altera

JH Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/AED/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: CL:1]



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