Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Greetings Exar's Shadow!

This week I'm quite excited to say I've recovered quite faster than I expected. A huge thanks go out to Alaris, Viv, Quejo and Cass for bearing with me. If you haven't checked the news page, Taig and I just had our little baby boy, Joshua Jr. on Wednesday. He's beautiful, and we're so blessed. Why am I writing a report so soon after having an intense c-section? Well, I just took two Percaset, if you must know! =P

NEWS --I held applications for my right hand, and the results led to the appointment of Guardian Evix Jhredmo as Flight Leader. Congratulations! His application was excellent, with ideas and enthusiasm that I think will benefit the house as a whole.

--1st Annual Dictim of Two Skies Anniversary Awards. These are member elected positions of honor that the summit will be deciding on in the coming weeks. Vote for your favorite member in their categories (you can't nominate yourself!) before April 30th!

--Our Headmaster Aabsdu has informed me that this was his former Battleteam...and that the pressure was on!

--Quejo QUA Report out

COMPETITIONS None at the moment!

CLOSING Sorry for such a short report, but I promise to get you beefy ones in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone for understanding and for all of the congratulations, you guys are great.

CONTACT INFO QUA Quejo Darkai - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] AED Octavia Kuga - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] RM Koga Kage - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] BTL Jendan Morgana - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Jendan Morgana; Commander of Exar's Shadow

Thank you, ma'am, and congratulations. I look forward to getting to know the Battle Team and serving to the best of my ability.

"A huge thanks go out to Alaris, Viv, Quejo and Cass for bearing with me"

Lol I'm sure you mean Octavia :D But your welcome lol Congrats on the bundle of joy heheh


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